Série Doctor Who, Monsters: Silurians en streaming

Doctor Who, Monsters: Silurians

Doctor Who, Monsters: Silurians en streaming

  • Genre: Science-fiction et fantasy
  • Date: 1970-01-30
  • Vote: Tout public
  • Episodes: 9

Description :

Cette page vous donne accès à la version originale de cette série TV. The Silurians (Homo reptilia) were Earth's first intelligent inhabitants, cold-blood reptilians with a lifespan of over three centuries, who developed a civilisation at least 300 million years before human beings evolved. Silurian astronomers predicated the arrival of a minor planet would devastate Earth, and so the species went into hibernation, with one genetic line being left as caretakers while the others slept. Now they are awake and ready for war. And only the Doctor can stop them.

Doctor Who, Monsters: Silurians en streaming

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