Série Duck Dynasty, Season 3 en streaming

Duck Dynasty, Season 3

Duck Dynasty, Season 3 en streaming

  • Genre: Reality & Nonfiction
  • Date: 2013-02-27
  • Vote: TV-PG
  • Episodes: 18

Description :

Duck Dynasty® returns to A&E® with a brand new season following Louisiana’s First Family: the Robertsons; who’ve turned a backyard duck call business into a million-dollar sporting empire. But for Willie Robertson, the company’s CEO, running a family operation is tough when all your employees live one distraction at a time and find any excuse to leave the warehouse. They may be living the rags-to-riches American dream, but they’re just as busy staying true to their rugged outdoorsman lifestyle and southern roots. Of course, in this household, even the most ordinary family affair is met with a special Robertson twist of downhome practicality and witty sense of humor. Day to day life in the bayou may be mundane for some, but for the Robertsons, every day brings a new adventure.

Duck Dynasty, Season 3 en streaming

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