Voir Spookley the Square Pumpkin en streaming

Spookley the Square Pumpkin

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Description :

In a world where the only good pumpkins are round pumpkins, Spookley the Square Pumpkin is a mistake, an outcast, a weed! Shunned by the other pumpkins because of his odd shape, Spookley is befriended by Edgar, Allan, and Poe, three hilarious spiders, who convince Spookley that square or not, he is a pumpkin and every pumpkin has a right to be the Pick of the Patch on Halloween. A square pumpkin the Pick of the Patch? Not if Big Tom and Little Tom can help it. These two pumpkin-bullies use every trick imaginable to cause Spookley to suffer one humiliating defeat after another. Encouraged to continue by kindly Jack Scarecrow and his bat side-kicks, Boris and Bella, Spookley continues on his quest, but isn't sure he has what it takes until a mighty storm threatens to destroy the entire patch. As the storm rages, Spookley watches the round pumpkins blow uncontrollably across the patch towards a raging river, and realizes - It's fine to be round while the weather is fair, but there are times it's better to be a square!


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