Voir Entre ses mains en streaming

Entre ses mains

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Description :

Lille, at Christmas... Claire Gautier, 30, works in the claims department of an insurance company. She leads an uneventful life with her husband Fabrice and her young daughter Pauline... Claire gets to know Laurent Kessler, a veterinarian who consults her about a water damage claim. This is the first step in a story of love and fear. Laurent is a seductive man, or rather a compulsive "woman hunter". With Claire though things are different. Perhaps because the young woman has sensed the shadowy areas that he attempts to conceal. A climate of terror reigns in the city after the same man kills a number of women. Claire cannot help but make a connection between Laurent and the killer. Strangely, Claire grows closer to him as her suspicions become clearer. Will she be able to escape from this spiral of fear and fascination?


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