Voir A Face In the Crowd en streaming

A Face In the Crowd

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Description :

When philosophical country/western singer Larry "Lonesome" Rhodes is "discovered" in the local lock-up by television talent coordinator Marcia Jeffries, she decided that Rhodes deserves a guest appearance on a TV variety show. The gangly, overly humble Rhodes is an instant sensation, and as he quickly ascends toward superstardom he attracts fans, sponsors and endorsement deals until he is the most powerful and influential entertainer on the airwaves. Beloved by his public audience, they would never believe that he has turned into a scheming, power-hungry manipulator with Machiavellian political aspirations. What Rhodes does not realize is that the higher the rise, the farther the fall; not only does he wind up losing his fame and fortune, but he also loses those who cared about him before his ego took control of his life.


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