Voir 9 1/2 Weeks en streaming

9 1/2 Weeks

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Description :

A man. A Woman. And an attraction that became an obsession. Mickey Rourke (Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man) and Kim Basinger (Batman) take you on an erotic odyssey in this steamy story of a love affair that breaks every sexual taboo. Director Adrian Lyne (Fatal Attraction) creates "the most sexualized relationship seen in years" (Vanity Fair) in a lushly photographed rendition of secret fantasies and desires that come vividly to life on screen. Set against the high-tech backdrop of Manhattan, 9 1/2 Weeks is the length of the affair between Elizabeth, a beautiful art dealer, and John, the man who becomes her lover and changes irrevocably the course of her life. After a tantalizing initial encounter, John charts the course of their sensual journey together in a deadly serious game of sexual dominance, unlocking the door to hidden dreams, pain and ecstasy.


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