Voir Everybody's All American en streaming

Everybody's All American

Regarder Everybody's All American en streaming

Description :

Jessica Lange, Dennis Quaid and Timothy Hutton headline this moving slice of Americana that sizzles with sexy romance, sparkles with humor and thunders with the pad-to-pad crunch of hard-nosed football. Quaid plays a college gridiron star who struggles when events no longer fit within the playing field. Lange is his sweetheart, willingly led to life's sidelines as a player's wife, but eventually becoming a woman of strength. And Hutton is the friend who sees what living in a goldfish bowl does to supposedly charmed lives. Director Taylor Hackford (An Officer and a Gentleman, Proof of Life) guides his stellar talents through a spellbinding 30-year saga of our lives without fumbling a single detail.


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