Voir Rivers and Tides: Andy Goldsworthy Working With Time en streaming

Rivers and Tides: Andy Goldsworthy Working With Time

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Description :

In the timeless tradition of films like Winged Migration and Koyaanisqatsi, the theatrical phenomenon RIVERS AND TIDES depicts the magical relationship between art and nature while painting a visually intoxicating portrait of famed artist Andy Goldsworthy. Gorgeously shot and masterfully edited, the film follows the bohemian free spirit Goldsworthy all over the world as he demonstrates and opens up about his unique creative process. From his long-winding rock walls and icicle sculptures to his interlocking leave chains and multicolored pools of flowers, Goldsworthy's painstakingly intricate masterpieces are made entirely of matierials found in Mother Nature--who threatens and often succeeds in destroying his artwork, sometimes before it is even finished. With over ten four-star reviews from the nation's top critics, RIVERS AND TIDES serenely captures Goldsworthy in the midst of constructing his trademark ephemera on-camera, creating a mesmerizing cinematic experience that helps us to appreciate nature in new and enchanting ways.


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