Voir Superbad en streaming


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Description :

From the guy who brought you Knocked Up and The 40-Year-Old Virgin comes Superbad. Seth (Jonah Hill) and Evan (Michael Cera) want nothing more than to lose their virginity before they head off to college. To do that, though, they need to get liquor for the big party that night. With the help of their friend Fogell, a.k.a. McLovin (Christopher Mintz-Plasse), and his fake I.D., the three of them go on a hilarious chase for that elusive booze, dodging incompetent cops (Knocked Up's Seth Rogen and "Saturday Night Live's" Bill Hader), angry neighbors and jealous boyfriends. Hailed as an "iconic comedy...a true classic of its times" (Pete Hammond, Maxim), Superbad is a laugh-out-loud masterpiece!"


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