Voir Bell, Book and Candle en streaming

Bell, Book and Candle

Regarder Bell, Book and Candle en streaming

Description :

Just a normal, everyday witch, Gillian Holroyd (Kim Novak) uses her supernatural powers to break up the engagement of her old college rival to the handsome publisher Sheperd Henderson (James Stewart). Despite Henderson's sudden interest in her, as a witch, Gillian doesn't have the capacity to love. So when Henderson is about to publish a book on witchcraft written by her mischievous brother Nicky (Jack Lemmon) and his drunken co-author Sidney Redlitch (Ernie Kovacs), Gillian decides to reveal the truth. However, when Henderson seeks her mentor's help in breaking the hex, Gillian soon finds that it's love's magic that casts the most powerful of spells.


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