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Description :

The stage is the long-established Japanese Inn Fujiya in Kibune, Kyoto. Mikoto, (played by Riko Fujitani) a waitress who works at Fujiya, is called back to work by the proprietress while standing by the Kibune River. However, two minutes later, for some reason, she finds herself once again facing the Kibune River. Not only Mikoto, but also the clerk, waitresses, chefs, and guests all begin to feel something strange. Hot sake that doesn't get hot. Rice porridge that won't go away. A bathroom that you can never leave. They are looping. Every 2 minutes. After 2 minutes, time rewinds and everyone returns to where they were, though their memories continue. Some want to get out of the loop, others want to stay, yet they all have issues they need to solve. While watching everyone join forces to investigate the cause, Mikoto finds herself more and more alone.


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