Voir Eagle vs. Shark en streaming

Eagle vs. Shark

Regarder Eagle vs. Shark en streaming

Description :

A funny, fractured romance between two total misfits woven into an all consuming quest for revenge and shot through with the strange, sweet hilarity of the human condition. When Lily (Horsley), a lonely, oddball fast food waitress and hopeless romantic, and Jarrod (Clement), another lonely oddball and video game clerk who has spent the last decade plotting revenge against a bully from high school, connect at a dress as your favorite animal party, it's a match seemingly made in outcast Heaven. But when Lily decides to risk everything for love, her hopes are nearly dashed as, after a brief fling, Jarrod dumps her because he's too busy training for his all important payback mission. But neither of them can anticipate the grit the steadfastly optimistic Lily will show in her heartbreak. As Jarrod's day of reckoning arrives and everything hits the fan, Jarrod and Lily will find something that goes beyond romantic fantasies and revenge faith in who they are.


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