Voir A Million Little Pieces en streaming

A Million Little Pieces

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Description :

An alcoholic and a drug addict, 23-year-old James has two options: treatment or death. After waking up on a plane with a smashed up face and no memory of the past few weeks, he heads to rehab where he discovers much more than detox and therapy. As James endures the white-knuckle journey of mending his broken body, he heals his broken soul by connecting with other kindred spirits who also yearn and fight for a better life. A MILLION LITTLE PIECES is the latest film from acclaimed director Sam Taylor-Johnson and stars Aaron Taylor-Johnson in a tour de force performance. Based on the best-selling book by James Frey with a screenplay by Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Sam Taylor-Johnson, the film also stars Billy Bob Thornton, Juliette Lewis, Giovanni Ribisi, and Odessa Young.


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