Voir 101 Dalmatians en streaming

101 Dalmatians

Regarder 101 Dalmatians en streaming

Description :

There are puppies, puppies and more puppies in Disney’s beloved animated masterpiece 101 Dalmatians—now joining the celebrated Walt Disney Signature Collection. This original Walt Disney classic has charmed generations of fans with its irresistible tail-wagging stars, memorable story and perfect blend of humor and action-packed adventure. Cruella De Vil, the most fabulously outrageous villainess of all time, sets the fur-raising adventure in motion when she dognaps all of the adorable Dalmatian puppies in London—including 15 from Pongo and Perdita’s family. Through the power of the “Twilight Bark,” Pongo reaches out to brave animal heroes of all spots and stripes, and together they launch a dramatic quest to rescue the puppies from Cruella’s greedy clutches. Unleash all the excitement and suspense of Disney’s 101 Dalmatians, a much- loved classic your family will enjoy again and again!


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