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Description :

A broken marriage leads to a bitter custody battle with an embattled son at the center in this domestic thriller that will keep audiences guessing and leave them with their hearts in their throats. Miriam and Antoine Besson have divorced, and Miriam (Léa Drucker) is seeking sole custody of their son Julien (Thomas Gioria) to protect him from a father she claims is violent. Antoine (Denis Ménochet) pleads his case as a scorned dad whose children have been turned against him by their vindictive mother. Unsure who is telling the truth, the appointed judge rules in favor of joint custody. A hostage to the escalating conflict between his parents, Julien is pushed to the edge to prevent the worst from happening. Director Xavier Legrand has cited Kramer vs. Kramer, The Shining, and The Night of the Hunter as inspirations for Custody. A companion piece to his Academy Award®-nominated short film Just Before Losing Everything, the film won him the Silver Lion for Best Director at the Venice Film Festival.


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