Voir Bombshell en streaming


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Description :

Jean Harlow stars at her sexy and comic best as bigger-than-life movie diva Lola Burns, who loves, fights, loses--and wins--her man while presiding over Hollywood's Golden Age as a legendary blonde Bombshell. Lola has all the fame and fortune she ever dreamed of, but along with success comes a studio that works her until she drops, a family only interested in her money and a scheming publicist, Space Hanlon (Lee Tracy), who runs her life. In an attempt to escape this life, Lola marries a titled nobleman, but Hanlon has the man deported. Then she falls in love with Gifford Middleton (Franchot Tone)--until she discovers that Hanlon hired Middleton and his entire family. Now, when all seems hopeless, Lola finally realizes that Hanlon is the only man who truly loves her in this wild, romantic romp.


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