Voir Pandorum en streaming


Regarder Pandorum en streaming

Description :

Two astronauts awaken in a hyper-sleep chamber aboard a seemingly abandoned spacecraft. It is pitch black, they are disoriented, and the only sound is a low rumble and creak from the belly of the spacecraft. They have no idea who they are, how long they've been asleep, or what their mission is. Corporal Bower (Ben Foster of 3:10 TO YUMA, X-MEN: THE LAST STAND) explores the spacecraft as Lt. Payton (Dennis Quaid of THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW) stays behind for guidance on a radio transmitter. As Bower ventures deeper and deeper into the ship, he soon discovers they are not alone. Slowly the spacecraft's shocking and deadly secrets come unraveled, and the astronauts realize that the survival of mankind hinges on their actions.


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