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Description :

Financial advisor NORTH MAXFIELD (Paul Stuart) is shot and his wife GINNY (Angeline-Rose Troy) is killed in a random shooting. After awakening from a coma and frustrated with lapses in his memory, North turns to hypnotherapist DR. SARAH CARLSON (Mollie Milligan) where he undergoes deep trance hypnosis and reconnects with his wife in an alternate reality. As he begins to uncover dark secrets about his past, his imagined world and reality collide. At work his loyalty to a high profile client is called into question by his boss CARL (Stephen Michael Quezada, Breaking Bad) and a mysterious new associate JOE (Michael Ironside, Top Gun). Two women vie for his attention: a fellow therapy patient, ANNA (Susana Gibb), and his ethereal guide in the trance world, THE MESSENGER (Velinda Godfrey). Lonely, paranoid and driven by the desire to avenge his wife's death, North is running out of time to discover the truth, and the answers will either save him or destroy him.


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