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Song from the Forest

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Description :

25 years ago, U.S.-born Louis Sarno travelled to the Central African rainforest—and never came back. Now a full member of this community of hunters and gatherers, Louis returns with his son Samedi to New York City—a different jungle made of concrete, glass and asphalt—and reunites with family and old friends, including his closest friend from college, indie filmmaker Jim Jarmusch. However, Samedi, who has never left the rainforest and does not speak a word of English, is far more comfortable with the U.S. than his father; the same world that his father wanted to forget is now the one that his son wants to conquer. A modern epic set between rainforest and skyscrapers, SONG FROM THE FOREST features a fascinating soundtrack and peaceful, loving imagery, as Louis’ and Samedi’s stories are interwoven to form a touching portrait of an extraordinary man and his son.


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